
Social Media Marketing vs Social Media Management: What’s The Difference

Social media has really revolutionised the way we connect, communicate, and consume content. It’s no longer just a platform for sharing personal updates; it has evolved into a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience, foster relationships, and drive growth to their business. However, with this evolution comes complexity, and the terms “Social Media Marketing” and “Social Media Management” are often used interchangeably, blurring the lines between their distinct roles and purposes.

In this blog post, we’re deep dive into these two marketing terms. We’ll explore the fundamental features between social media marketing and social media management, Whether you’re a small business owner aiming to boost your online presence or a curious individual eager to learn the mechanics of digital engagement, by the end of this article you will crystal clear about these two marketing strategies.

What is Social media Management?

Social media management refers to the process of creating, scheduling, publishing, and engaging with content on various social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. It involves tasks such as writing posts, responding to comments, monitoring trends, and analysing performance.

Social media management is crucial as it helps businesses and individuals connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and foster meaningful relationships. Mostly social media management is organic way to grow on social media platforms rather than running paid ads, most of the times focuses on long term, It’s like tending to a garden of online presence – you plant interesting posts, water them with timely updates, and nurture them by interacting with people who stop by. This helps in growing a community of followers who are interested in what you have to offer.

What does Social media management include?

Social media management mainly involves four key elements:

1. Content Creation

This is like crafting interesting stories. You come up with ideas, create eye-catching posts, and even find cool things from others to share. It’s about making content that your followers will enjoy and find valuable.

2. Scheduling and Publishing

Think of this as setting up a posting schedule. You decide when your posts should go live, like planning when to share your stories so that more people can see them. It’s like choosing the right time to share your adventures with the world.

3. Audience Engagement and Interaction

Just like chatting with friends, this part is about talking to your followers. You reply to their comments, answer their questions, and even have conversations. It’s like being at a party and mingling with others – you make connections and show that you’re friendly and interested.

4. Monitoring and Analytics

Imagine having a magic crystal ball that tells you how well your posts are doing. This is like that! You check how many people liked, shared, or commented on your posts. You also look at which posts are popular and which ones could use a little more sparkle. It’s like learning from your adventures to plan even better ones next time.

Why is Social Media Management Important?

Social media management is crucial for brands looking to thrive in today’s business world. It’s not just a nice-to-have; it’s a fundamental component of building a successful online presence. Without effective social media management, a brand’s efforts can easily fall short of achieving its goals. Here’s why social media management holds such importance:

Establishing a Strong Online Presence

Having a presence on social media is akin to having a online storefront. It’s where potential customers can discover your brand, learn about your products or services, and engage with your content. Without a well-managed social media presence, you risk missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with your target audience.

Building a Authoritative Brand Image

Consistency is important in branding. Social media management enables you to present a uniform and recognizable brand image across different platforms. This consistency builds brand recognition and reinforces the essence of your brand in the minds of your audience.

Social media management: Inhouse vs Outsourcing

When it comes to managing your brand’s social media presence, you face the pivotal choice between handling it in-house or outsourcing the responsibility to a specialized agency. Each approach comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that can significantly impact your brand’s online success.

Inhouse Social Media Management:

With an internal team, you have the flexibility to make quick adjustments and tailor your content to fit your brand’s unique voice and identity. Additionally, immediate responses to customer inquiries and concerns can be facilitated without the need to rely on external parties. The in-house team also possesses a deeper understanding of your brand, which often leads to more authentic and on-brand content.

However, in-house social media management comes with its drawbacks. Crafting engaging content, monitoring channels, and engaging with the audience demand substantial time and effort. This can divert valuable attention from core business activities and stretch resources thin.

Lastly, employing a full-time staff and investing in necessary tools can be expensive, according to Glassdoor the average salary of a social media manager in United States is $57,144/year while you could easily get outsourced social media management services starting from just few hundred dollars, renext social media packages management packages for example start from just $299/month.

Outsourced Social media management:

Outsourcing your social media management brings a host of benefits to the table. Perhaps the most significant advantage is the expertise and resources that specialized agencies provide. These teams are comprised of specialists in content creation, strategy development, analytics, and staying updated with the game of social media. This expertise translates into well-crafted content and targeted strategies that can elevate your brand’s online presence.

The decision between in-house and outsourced social media management depends on factors such as your budget, available resources, desired level of control, and expertise required. While in-house management provides direct control and immediate response, outsourcing brings specialised expertise, strategic focus, and cost savings. Carefully weighing these pros and cons will help you determine the most effective approach for your brand’s unique needs. At Renext we offer expert social media management services that cater to your brand’s growth. Contact us today to get started.

What is Social media Marketing?

Most agencies classify social media marketing as paid form of marketing of social media platforms rather than using mostly organic methods like in social media management.

This involves using social media platforms as advertising channels to achieve specific marketing goals. Social media marketing encompasses activities like running paid ads. Its primary objective is to reach a wider audience, drive conversions, and achieve specific business outcomes in the short term, rather than in long term like social media management focuses on.

Social media marketing is a strategic approach that utilises various social media platforms as powerful advertising channels to achieve specific marketing objectives. It goes beyond regular posting and engagement to include activities like paid advertising, influencer partnerships, and targeted promotional campaigns. The core aim of social media marketing is to extend a brand’s reach, generate conversions, and attain well-defined business outcomes through focused efforts.

What does Social media Marketing include?

Paid Advertising

Social media platforms offer Advertising platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn ads which allow businesses to run paid campaigns, advertising tools that enable businesses to create and display targeted ads to specific audiences. These ads can appear in users’ feeds, stories, and other sections, depending on the platform. The targeting options range from demographics to interests and behaviors, ensuring that ads reach the most relevant audience.

Influencer Collaborations

Influencers are individuals with a substantial following on social media. Collaborating with influencers allows businesses to tap into their established audience, leveraging their credibility and reach to promote products or services. Influencer partnerships create an element of authenticity and trust in marketing efforts.

Promotional Campaigns

Social media marketing often involves running focused campaigns designed to achieve specific goals. These campaigns could revolve around product launches, seasonal promotions, contests, giveaways, or other events. By creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity, promotional campaigns encourage user engagement and conversions.

Why is Social Media Marketing Important?

One of the primary advantages lies in the vast reach that social media platforms offer. With billions of active users spanning the globe, these platforms provide an unprecedented opportunity to engage with diverse audiences, transcending geographical boundaries and demographic limitations. This expansive reach allows brands to establish a global presence and extend their influence far beyond traditional marketing methods.

Effective social media marketing also plays a pivotal role in establishing brand awareness and recognition. By consistently presenting a brand’s identity, values, and offerings through engaging content, it enhances the likelihood of audiences recognizing and remembering the brand. This consistent exposure contributes to brand recall and fosters a sense of familiarity among potential customers.


Which One is Better For Your Business?

Both Social Media Management and Social Media Marketing are crucial for a business’s social media strategy. In simple terms Social media management involves organic efforts like content creation, community engagement, and building a brand presence for long-term growth. On the other hand, social media marketing utilizes paid methods to achieve short-term, instant results through targeted ads and promotions. 

You should combine both approaches, that allows you to create a well-rounded strategy that maximizes your reach, engagement, and conversions across different time frames.

Whether you’re looking for a social media marketing or management services you could consider Renext Marketing as your social media marketing partner, we are experienced and we know working methods that could grow your business on social media, Contact us today to get free proposal

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